
Nicole Parker | Strong Female Leads

Nicole Parker Strong Female Leads

Nicole Parker (The Neighborhood Listen, Wicked, MADtv) is someone who has me in tears laughing every time I watch or listen to her, and her singing is otherworldly. We discuss fake facial hair, the thrill of seeing a musical, and my favorite podcast neighborhood, Dignity Falls. When we get into the celebrities she is best known for impersonating, Nicole shares how her view on impressions has evolved and reflects on the regret she feels regarding her sketches as Britney Spears in particular.

If anyone has a time machine, I would truly like to book it to see Nicole in Funny Girl. Please and thank you.

Listen to The Neighborhood Listen on Stitcher Premium, use code NEIGHBORHOOD for one free month! Or, listen to Seasons 1 and 2 wherever you get podcasts. | Follow Nicole Parker on Instagram | Follow Nicole on Twitter | Follow Joan Pedestrian on Tik Tok | Follow The Neighborhood Listen on Instagram