Swan Song: Moulin Rouge vs Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical

Moulin Rouge vs Reefer Madness the Movie Musical

A comparison of 2 unconventional romantic musicals with sad plots, lots of laughs, and plenty of fantasy — it’s Moulin Rouge vs Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical. The latter just so happens to star everyone’s favorite resident of The Good Place, Kristen Bell, who has some serious pipes.

Party Animals: Paddington vs Scooby-Doo

Paddington vs Scooby-Doo 2002

I’m kicking off 2019 discussing 2 movies that feature beloved fictional characters brought into the real world with the magic of CGI — it’s Paddington vs Scooby-Doo.

Bad Seed: A Christmas Story vs The Good Son

A Christmas Story vs The Good Son

In honor of the holiday season, I talk about two terrible little blonde boys on a single-minded quest to get what they want no matter who or what gets in their way — it’s A Christmas Story vs The Good Son.

I also posit my theories about an alternate universe where Ralphie is Macaulay Culkin and uses his Red Ryder BB gun for evil.

Ancient History: Jurassic Park vs The Mummy (1999)

Jurassic Park vs The Mummy

When it comes to people going too far in their pursuit of knowledge (and money) leading to ancient predators being unleashed upon the world that they need to then stop, Jurassic Park is nowhere near as good as The Mummy (1999, obviously). I tear into Jurassic Park much how a dinosaur should have torn into Dr. Hammond's awful grandchildren. 

If you want to read the fantastic GQ Brendan Fraser article I reference, you can find it here: Whatever Happened to Brendan Fraser? by Zach Baron.

Somebody to Love: (500) Days of Summer vs Tiptoes

500 Days of Summer vs Tiptoes

This week’s comparison features 2 unexpected and quirky love stories that don't follow the typical Hollywood formula — it's (500) Days of Summer vs Tiptoes. I explain why Summer was in the right, prove my undying love for Kate Beckinsale, and I beg listeners to help me find the extended cut of Tiptoes.

All in the Family: August: Osage County vs Home for the Holidays

August Osage County vs Home for the Holidays

Instead of fighting with someone in your own family, watch fake families fight each other for your entertainment this holiday season! I get into the highly dysfunctional families of August: Osage County and Home for the Holidays and explain why I watch Queen Holly Hunter in Home for the Holidays every single Thanksgiving.