Love is Blind: The Shape of Water vs Shallow Hal

The Shape of Water vs Shallow Hal

In one of my most important comparisons, I discuss forbidden love and ignoring society's judgments in The Shape of Water and Shallow Hal. The Shape of Water is the Amélie of the sea, NOT INTERESTED. However, I AM interested in Gwyneth Paltrow and I need her to come fix my life. All hail Goop.

Squad Goals: Fight Club vs Coyote Ugly

Fight Club vs Coyote Ugly

This week's movies are both about a shy, down on their luck person who finds an inner strength within a group of like-minded individuals and comes out of their shell — it's Fight Club vs Coyote Ugly. Important takeaways: I teared up 5+ times while re-watching Coyote Ugly and Fight Club would be a better movie if it was from Helena Bonham Carter's point of view. 

Meddling Kids: The Goonies vs BMX Bandits

The Goonies vs BMX Bandits

Quentin Tarantino said, "If we'd grown up in Australia, BMX Bandits would have been our Goonies" and I'm inclined to agree. Find out how these two movies about kids getting involved in the crimes of weird looking adults compare, and why Nicole Kidman will inspire you to tuck your t-shirt into your pants. 

Smooth Criminals: Ocean's Eleven vs Ocean's 8

Ocean's Eleven vs Ocean's 8

Ocean's 8 is everything I could have ever wanted in a film. It's a perfect expansion of Ocean's Eleven and the Ocean's Universe (which I believe will one day rival the MCU). While I loved Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's 8 is now my favorite in the franchise. Find out how they compare in this episode, where I also get the chance to express my deep admiration for Sandra Bullock, America's Sweetheart. 

Body Snatchers: The Thing vs The Faculty

The Thing vs The Faculty

The Thing is a so-called classic horror film starring Goldie Hawn's husband and some other old dudes. The Faculty is a tour de force of perfect casting, clever writing, and some real scares. If I was in charge of Hollywood, I would implement a law that required every film to star Jordana Brewster and any offenders would be sent into the La Brea Tar Pit.

Adventures in Babysitting: Leon The Professional vs Maleficent

Leon the Professional vs Maleficent

These are two babysitters you probably won't find on Angie's List. Léon the assassin's love for milk can't keep Léon: The Professional from being a real creepfest while pointy witch Angelina Jolie makes Maleficent the feel good film of 2014.